State of dairy industry in Ukraine: the reduction of livestock continues


In June 2011,Ukrainehas produced 1207.9 tons of milk, 223.2 thousand tons of which are from agricultural enterprises and 984.7 tons from private households.

In April 2011 compared to April 2010 milk production by all categories of households decreased by 2.9%. In particular, milk production by agricultural enterprises decreased by 4.7% and by private households - by 2.4%. Compared to the previous month total output of milk increased by only 0.3%

As of July 1, there are 590.9 thousand cows in agricultural enterprises, which is 2.1% less compared to the corresponding date last year. On the same date, there are 2,073.1 thousand cows in private households, which is 4.4% less than year ago. The total number of cows inUkrainein terms of a year was reduced by almost 4% and amounted 2,664 thousand head.


Materials are prepared by the State Statistics Committee

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