

The heat pushes up the prices of raw milk

In the second half of July, there was an increase in purchase prices in conditions of intense heat and a reduction in the supply of raw milk in Ukraine, — reports the analyst of the Association of Milk Producers, Heorhiy Kukhaleishvili. The average purchase price of Extra Grade milk as of July 20 amounted to 14.12 UAH/kg without VAT, which is 0.43 UAH more than a month ago. The price range for this grade...

Purchase prices are going up because of lack of milk

At the beginning of July, prices for raw milk were revised upward in Ukraine due to a certain shortage of raw milk on the domestic market and the increase in demand from milk processing enterprises. In the future, if milk production continues to decrease, another upward price revision is possible, — reports the analyst of ...

Growth driver: Increased exports will help boost milk prices in the summer

The increase in the export of exchange goods should restrain the decrease in prices for raw milk in Ukraine during June. The recovery of global demand for dairy products, coupled with the likely reduction in milk volumes during the summer heat, will likely affect the increase in purchase prices in late June and early July. This was reported by the analyst of the Association of Milk Producers, Georgy Kukhaleishvili. The average purchase price of Extra Grade milk as of June 5 was 13.69 UAH...

The update of the Ukraine Dairy Map-2024 infographic dedicated to the World Milk Day

On the occasion of a special date for the dairy community of the world — World Milk Day, which was officially introduced by the Food Organization (FAO) of the United Nations on June 1, 2001, the Association of Milk Producers (AMP) in cooperation with the certification body «Organic Standard» and with the support of Switzerlan...

Surpluses of milk on the market contributed to the reduction of purchase prices

Surpluses of raw milk in Ukraine and low demand in the domestic market affect the reduction of purchase prices, says the analyst of the Association of Milk Producers, Georhiy Kukhaleishvili. The average purchase price of Extra Grade milk as of May 5 was 13.99 UAH/kg without VAT, which is 0.39 UAH less than a month ago. The price range for this grade in farms...

Surplus milk puts pressure on purchase prices

Milk prices in Ukraine are falling in the spring under the influence of surplus milk and reduced demand for dairy products in the domestic market. However, purchase prices can resume growth in the event of an increase in the volume of exchange goods exports, — reports the analyst of the Association of Milk Producers, Georgy Kukhalei...

Spring influx: milk becomes more abundant, and prices look down

Raw milk is becoming cheaper in Ukraine due to the increase in the volume of its production in the spring and the appearance of surpluses on the market. Dairy processing enterprises need less raw milk in the conditions of a slowdown in exports and a reduction in the consumption of dairy products in the domestic market....

On the eve of Maslyana, milk prices remain stable

As of March 1, 2024, the average price of raw milk was 14.19 UAH and has not changed over the past month. The price range has not changed since the beginning of February. Stabilization of milk prices in Ukraine is influenced by political and seasonal factors, says the analyst of the Association of Milk Producers, Heorhii Kukhaleishvili. The average purchase price of Extra Grade milk as of March 1 was 14.50 UAH/kg without VAT. The price range for this variety in farms varies from 14.00 to 15.00 UAH/kg without...

