export, import, milk, dairy production, world dairy market
Ukrainian dairy import is nine times less than the export


Although the current indicators of foreign dairy trade are well below pre-crisis 2013, Ukrainian dairy exports, compared to the period of a deep crisis of the previous two years, can be considered successful.

For the first half of 2017, export of most dairy products has considerably increased, and on the background of rising prices, the foreign exchange proceeds from external sales was almost twice in comparison with the same period in 2016. Dairy products (including milk containing products) were exported from the country in the amount of $ 215 million, reports «INFAGRO».

The most significant was the growth of sales of cheese products (almost three times in real terms), three times increased the export of butter, more than two times — sales of whole milk powder. At the same time, external sales of skimmed milk powder and canned milk markedly decreased.

In relation to June export in comparison with last year it is worth noting the significant growth in cheese products, butter and whole milk powder. Sales of canned food, skimmed milk powder and spreads decreased.

For import this year the rise is typical in almost all commodity items, but significant external procurement is only in the category of cheese, the import of which increased by about a third.

In general, dairy import is not yet critical, in monetary terms, it is 9 times less than exports.

In July dramatic changes in the foreign trade in dairy products are not going to happen, but in August, one should expect a drop in sales of a number of dairy products.


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