Ukraine, farms
On July 1, more than 15 companies from Ukraine and the EU responded to our call and joined the support of farms


To date, more than 100 dairy farms from the affected by war regions have received veterinary humanitarian aid, which has at least partially supported them in the most difficult times. These are vaccines, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory agents and milking hygiene products, production consumables, the appropriate storage and transportation of which was provided by AVM's permanent logistics partner — LLC DK VET.

Unfortunately, the war and cynical attacks on agricultural enterprises continue, farms continue to overcome the consequences of the occupation or are still in the near-front and front-line zones.

Therefore, we call for the cooperation of companies, organizations and foundations that have the ability and desire to support farms affected by the war!

Offer help:

From the first days of war, AMP, UAC and ASSOCIATION «PIG BREEDERS OF UKRAINE» have been collecting and delivering veterinarian aid to dairy and pig farms within the international charity fund SaveUA, with the approval of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine and with the support of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection (SSUFSCP).

Support milk producers!

Let's win together, let's rebuild together!

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