milk, dairy market, exports, powder, value
Made in USA dairy increased to China


US dairy exports continue their run in January-May 2017: + 13.9% in volume and + 26.4% in value on a trend basis.

Mexico is the first export market in quantity and value, but dairy export to China grew fast. In the first five months of 2017 have grown cheese exports (+40%), SMP (+147%), whey powder (+64%) and infant-formula milk exports (+15%).
Since last February, U.S. monthly exports to China has surpassed in value those to Canada. That situation will be not underestimated from NAFTA negotiators, certainly.

Overall, exports from USA have recoreded a good performance for cheese (+21.7% in volume, +23.8% in value), SMP (+22.2% in volume, +33.4% in value ), Serum powder (+18.9% in volume, +37.7% in value).

Cheese exports reached $ 601 million in the first five months of 2017 (+23.78%), recovering almost the same value of 2015, but remaining behind from $ 752 million reached in the January-May 2014.

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